Purpose: The Markesan Public encourages individuals and groups to volunteer their time and efforts at the Library. Definition of Volunteer: A volunteer is a person who performs tasks and services for the Markesan Public Library without receiving financial compensation. Volunteers may or may not be members of the Friends of Markesan Public Library. Children under the age of 18 may only work as volunteers with the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Children under...

The library director shall be granted 2 days bereavement leave for the loss of a close family member equal to (12) hours of time. Close family member is defined as child, child-in-law, step-child, grandchild, parent, parent-in-law, step-parent, sibling. Employees may be allowed time off without pay, for a maximum of 3 days when necessary to attend a funeral for a remote family member. In addition, with the Department Head’s approval (or Library Board President in...

Vacations will accrue on an annual basis beginning on the employee’s start date.  After the first partial year, the annual year will be from January to December.  Employees eligible for vacation are those in the position of director, acting director and library assistant II.  Vacation accrues for the years you hold the above positions.  Vacations must be used in one calendar year.  To determine vacation time available to use, compute Weekly Average hours from the...

The employee eligible for sick leave is the Director. The employee will receive three sick days per year. Sick time may be used in full or half day increments. Sick days may accumulate up to 60 days. To determine the sick time hours available to use per day, compute the Weekly Average hours from the Previous Year (WAPY). Divide the WAPY by five. If the employee has not been in the position enough time to...

The Markesan Public Library is committed to ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of all persons using the library’s materials, resources, or services while promoting a safe environment for library users. Recordings from library security cameras shall be kept for a period of at least 30 days before being erased. Any recordings which may indicate the identity of any individual who borrows or uses the library's documents or other materials, resources, or services shall be treated...

General rules of behavior are designed to protect the rights of library patrons, to outline for staff members acceptable and appropriate behavior on the part of patrons, and to preserve library materials and facilities. RULES Any behavior that disrupts or hinders public use of the Library is prohibited on Library property. This includes, but is not limited to, loud boisterous behavior, verbal or physical harassment, running, and fighting. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for...

Markesan Public Library Name________________________Date_____________ Address______________________Phone___________ City_________________________State______ZIP_______ Resource on which you are commenting: _____Book _____Audio-visual Resource _____Magazine _____Content of Library Program _____Newspaper _____Other Title: _____________________________ Author/Publisher or Producer/Date: _______ Please answer the following questions, if you need more room you may use the back of this form and/or attach additional sheets. To what do you object? Please be as specific as possible. Have you read or listened or viewed the entire content? If not, what parts?...

Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding suitable materials. If a patron of the Markesan Public Library requests that material which is a part of the permanent collection be withdrawn or restricted, the following procedure is to be followed. The patron will be asked to complete the Recommendation of Reconsideration Form and submit it to a library staff member. The staff member will also give the complainant a copy of...

Eligibility for service and registration All borrowers must be registered and must have a library card to borrow library materials or use the computers. Patron must pay fines and fees incurred from other Winnefox Automated Library Service (WALS) libraries. Patrons must fill out a registration form to apply for a new library card. There is no charge for the first library card. Replacement of lost cards is $1.00. $.75 for the credit card size and...

Management Policy: The duly appointed library board shall have all management rights, authorities, and responsibilities as stated in Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 43. The library board shall select, appoint, and when necessary for valid reasons, dismiss the director of the library. The board shall establish all other positions, and all wage ranges and benefit levels for all library staff. Positions on the Library staff, with the exception of the custodian and story hour person, are classified...

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