The people of the Markesan area have been using the attractive library on Bridge Street since 1930. Over the years and through generous donations, the library has seen additions and remodels in the late 1960s and again in 1999. Today, the library is used for a multitude of purposes. We have public internet access and computers; a lovely collection of books, audio books, movies, and music; fax service; adult and children programming; and a vast virtual library including downloadable books and movies and educational databases. We provide reference service and a friendly staff always willing to help. We are a part of the Winnefox Library System and capable of accessing the shared collection of 30 libraries through holds service. We can also place interlibrary loans and request materials from other library systems across the state and world. We have a small meeting room capable of reservations. There is so much to discover at the library!

The Mission of the Markesan Public Library is to be a vital presence in the community, providing excellence in library service and thereby contributing to the personal growth of individuals and the quality of life in the community.

Our staff includes:

  • Lucas Almas – Library Director
  • Shari Knaub- Library Assistant
  • Valerie Glover – Library Assistant
  • Vanessa Meyer – Library Assistant
  • Karen Jensen – Library Assistant
  • Cindy Boelter – Library Assistant
  • Brittany Stoll – Library Assistant
  • Kristina Candlish – Storytime
  • Ingrid Lopez – Library Page
  • Christina Sippel – Custodian

Our Library Board includes:

  • Jill Worden – President & School Representative
  • Beth Kazda – Treasurer
  • Nancy Kirst -Vice President
  • Harlan Barkley – County Representative
  • Mike Hansen
  • Joan Slate
  • Pat Prill