Library equipment for public use may be used with the assistance of library personnel. Any damage to library equipment due to misuse will be the patron’s responsibility.
a. Telephone use is discouraged, but may be used briefly for local calls
a. Patron must have material ready for the librarian to photocopy.
b. The cost per copy is 10 cents. When both sides of the paper are copied, this is considered two copies. Color copies are 25 cents.
c. A librarian may limit the amount of copies a patron can print
d. If the librarian determines the copy is of acceptable quality, the patron must pay for the copy.
Fax Machine
a. Only library personnel may operate the fax machine.
b. The cost for sending the first page is $2.00 with each additional page being $1.00. An additional charge may be added to the above amounts for sending international or other difficult-to-reach numbers. 1-800 numbers and local numbers will be free.
Microfilm machine
a. Patron must should check in with a librarian before each session.
b. Library personnel will help locate, load, and rewind film for new users. Patron can then proceed unassisted thereafter.
c. Microfilm must be rewound after each viewing.
d. There is a 1 hour time limit, per session, if other patrons are waiting to use the machine.
e. Microfilm cannot be checked out of the library
The public-use computer has a separate policy
Approved 3/17/2020