Loan Period of Material
Books, magazines, audio materials, and CDs are due in 3 weeks.
High Demand & New Books are due in 2 weeks. (revised & approved 8/22/19)
DVDs are due in 1 week.
Generally, reference material does not circulate. Upon request, some “Library Use Only” items may be checked out for 3 days upon the discretion of the library staff.
Interlibrary loan items coming from outside the Winnefox Automated Library Service (WALS) are to be returned to the Markesan Public Library by the date determined by the library staff.
Material Limits
There is a total limit of 100 items per card, which is enforced by the computer.
There is a limit of 14 locally owned DVDs per card at a time enforced by staff. Items received as holds from other libraries may be in addition to the 14 owned by our library.
The library director may establish a special loan period or item limit for materials, which are temporarily in great demand.
Patrons may request a longer checkout time prior to check out in special circumstances such as vacation.
Renewal of material
Material may be renewed twice on line by the patron or by library staff if there are no reserves for it. Another renewal may be permitted at the discretion of Library staff for special circumstances. In the spirit of a shared system, multiple renewals of materials owned by other libraries are discouraged.
ILL (items outside of WALS) may be renewed in special circumstances, if arrangements are made with the owning library by Library staff.
Overdue Notice
A patron may not have more than 20 overdues, or the computer will block checkout.
For those patrons who have supplied an email, computer generated correspondence will be done by email.
Pre-due notices are sent at 3 days before an item is due for 21 day loans.
Pre-due notices are sent at 1 day before an item is due for 7 day loans.
Overdue notices are sent at 5 and 15 days after the due date.
Bill notices are sent at 30 days after the due date.
For those patrons who have not supplied an email address, correspondence will be done by regular mail.
At 10 days overdue, a computer generated overdue notice is sent to the patron by mail. The notice states that library material is overdue and should be returned.
At 30 days overdue, a computer generated bill is sent to the patron stating library material is 30 days overdue, considered lost, and patron should pay replacement costs or return items and pay fines to restore library privileges.
At approximately 60 days overdue, Library staff will verify overdue status on computer and check the shelves for the items. The Library will notify the patron of replacement cost, shipping and processing fees, and that failure to return library material is considered theft according to Wisconsin State Statue 643.51 and City of Markesan Ordinance 185.
The non returned library material will remain on the patron’s record until returned or appropriate replacement cost and additional fees are paid.
The type of material will determine the replacement cost. In some cases, an exact item replacement may be accepted from the patron. A $2.00 shipping and processing fee will be assessed to each item.
If the lost book is found by the patron after replacement cost has been paid, director will use discretion to determine if refund will be given in exchange for the lost item. Any refund will be less the overdue charge. Refunds must be given to adults in person and adults must sign the receipt.
The patron is responsible for managing library material due dates. The Library does not receive copies of email or mailed notices. The Library receives monthly reports detailing patrons with recently lost and long overdue accounts.
There is no grace period.
The maximum fine accumulation is $10.00. The computer will allow checkout at $9.99.
Fine schedule
The video and DVD fine is $.50 cents per day, per item, up to a maximum fine of $5.00 per item.
All other material is $.05 per day, per item, up to a maximum of 3.00 per item.
Patrons may not use another’s card to evade fines.
Fines must be paid in full before card is renewed. (Patron records expire once a year.)
Damaged material
Material that is damaged to the point that it is not suitable for use will be charged the replacement cost plus a $2.00 shipping and processing charge.
Library staff will determine whether the damage is from normal use or misuse.
DVDs will be examined upon check out and return. If the DVD is in need of resurfacing, a charge of $1.00 will be assessed. If the DVD is damaged beyond repair, replacement cost plus a $2.00 shipping and processing charge will be assessed.
Reserve Material
A patron may place a reserve for items either on the public computer, online from another location, or they may request staff to place the reserve.
Reserves will stay in place until filled or removed by staff or by the patron.
Patron will be notified by phone or by email when the item arrives.
Material will be held for 7 days. If the item is not picked up, the hold will be removed and the material will be sent back.
A patron may have a maximum of 50 items on reserve.
The abuse of material reserve service will result in the loss of this privilege.
Implementation and Review
Exceptions to the above policies may be granted by the Director or designated staff (in the absence of the Director) for good cause.
Approved 6/20/2019