We’ll be travelling the world during Story Hour this year! Each week, children will visit a different country through stories and crafts with Miss Kristina! Story Hour is held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, starting at 10:15 am.
Here’s our travel itinerary for the year, along with reading lists from previous weeks if you’d like to place holds on them and read along at home!

Week Two: Chile
- Lucia’s Travel Bus by Nam-joong Kim
- On the Edge of the World by Anna Desnitskaya
Week One: Introduction
- A Day in the Sun by Diana Ejaita
- Only for a Little While by Gabriella Orozco Belt
- My Librarian is a Camel by Margriet Ruurs
- Families Around the World by Margriet Ruurs
- B My Name is Boy by Dawn Masi
- Maps by Aleksandra Mizielińska